"The original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can communicate through sharing information." - Tim Berners-Lee, the OG Webmaster

The Union Runner

Hello again readers. as you can tell, I now have my basic layout from Sadgrl's designer up. I've recently moved back to my College Dorm Downtown, and tomorow school starts again. I don'know how much time I'll actually have to work on this website, but I still have the goal to have it ready for use by the start of Sophomore year, with coverage of the 2024 Elections taking center stage. Since this won't be a reliable source of income for a while, I will have to balance an "Actual Job" alongside working on this page. Oh, you may notice, I have some categories up top, they don't go anywhere yet, as I've yet to work on those pages. But I have a lan for what I want to do with them.

  • This homepage will mostly be used for updates about the website and highlight articles I write that I wish to specifically promote. this will also be where I engage directly with the audience via Polls and a Guestbook. I don't know how to set those up though, and I welcome y'alls assistance in that regards.

  • Latest Correspondence shall be for actual news articles. my plan for my newswriting is to follow a "facts-first" model. I am going to be honest, I have strongly left-wing politics. but I also have a very strong belief in Objective Journalism. That means facts by the way. To Report as Fact that which you know is Fact, to be honest about your sources, and to ensure your biases don't cloud your intentions. I plan to make this work by using a sort of Spoiler-Text feature. I want to appeal to a wider audience, be somebody who anybody can turn to as a News Source, even those who aren't Left-Wing. So, I suppose my stories will be divided into two halves, the first presents the facts of the matter plainly and clearly. No sensationalistic language or moral positioning here. Underneath that, I will have hidden under spoiler text my own personal analysis of events. This will be my opinion, but it will be based upon confirmed facts, and I won't try to mislead the readers as to which is which. I'll even have an open comments section for people to freely discuss what they think about a topic.

  • Cryptic Ramblings is the name of a channel on a Discord server i'm in where the members just post random shitposts and dreamlogs. This is a place where I'll put my random odds and ends, nonserious topics I still wish to discuss.

  • Music is self explanatory. literally just going to be a list of music I like.

  • Pontification Station. This is the "Straight up opinion" side of the website. If I have something I need to get out, something I've wanted to say that I just can't tie into a specific News Event? I'll put it here. This part won't be censored based off what is opinion and what is fact, as it should be obvious from the name it's where I'm posting my own hot-takes. Comments here will be allowed of course.

  • Slice of Life, it's Slice of Life. This is the place to go for more Traditional Blogging content. things like my experiences living in college or downtown. This will likely be the least political part of the website, but it will likely bleed in here-and-there.

  • A few other things. I have considered that somewhere down the line, should this get popular enough, I'll probably open up a twitch stream or something to do live stuff on. That's pretty far off however. Also, I hope that I can eventually define my own aesthetic for the website. When I do, I hope to make something inspired by the Murder Drones Series. That should be all for now, hope you all have had a happy new year, and if you're in College, good luck on studies.